

Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through the patient’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths. By stimulating both elevated levels of dopamine and endorphins within the body, as well as creating more blood flow and oxygenation through the organs, fascia and limbs, acupuncture is able to accomplish a virtual plethora of benefits for patients.

The most common uses for acupuncture are for managing and relieving pain, digestive symptoms, stress, and difficulty sleeping. However, there are numerous other disorders which may be addressed via acupuncture, such as speeding the recovery time after an illness or operation, supporting the rigorous training protocols for amateur and professional athletes, working on fertility issues, and even defying the aging process by creating a look of lasting youth via cosmetic (or “facial”) acupuncture! We have compiled an absolutely non-exhaustive list of some of those symptoms below.

It is a complete medical protocol focusing on correcting imbalances of energy and stagnation in the body, which effectively eases suffering, relieves pain, harmonizes emotions, and elevates the overall sense of wellbeing. Acupuncture points may be thought of as places in the body where nerves, muscles and connective tissues can be stimulated. This stimulation creates what may be considered a histamine response, where the body’s natural processes of healing and repairing injury are kick-started in to high gear.

Just a few of the MANY disorders that may be benefited from acupuncture include:

  • low back pain
  • elbow pain
  • migraines and headache
  • neck pain
  • shoulder pain
  • knee pain
  • osteoarthritis
  • sciatica
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • fibromyalgia
  • neuralgia
  • neuropathy
  • high blood pressure
  • joint inflammation
  • dental pain/TMJ
  • substance abuse, alcohol/tobacco dependence and addiction recovery
  • low immunity
  • common cold or flu
  • tinnitus
  • ear pain
  • post-chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • bloating and gas
  • peptic ulcer
  • fertility support (IVF, IUI, miscarriage)
  • pregnancy support (nausea, morning sickness, ectopic pregnancy)
  • inducing labor in full-term pregnancy
  • insomnia and difficulties sleeping
  • reducing the risk of stroke
  • bells palsy
  • anxiety
  • weening off of pharmaceutical use
  • depression
  • high stress
  • hormonal imbalance
  • menopause/peri-menopause
  • reducing fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck
  • weight loss

Give us a call or send us a message if you are interested in learning about whether acupuncture can benefit you and help you achieve your most fulfilling quality of life.

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