Dr. Ben DiNobile
Dr. Ben is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in the state of Colorado with the addition of a Master’s degree in applied clinical nutrition, as well as both sports injury management and Nimmo trigger point therapy certifications. Ben has acquired months of clinical experience in the field working at a high-volume practice, seeing, and adjusting close to 250 patients per week. This has added immensely to his adjusting and time management skills. Ben’s background also includes undergraduate studies of exercise science, 6 years of working as an ocean rescue lifeguard in the great state of Rhode Island where he grew up, and a combined 1,000 + hours of shadowing experience in the field of physical therapy and chiropractic prior to receiving his degree and license. Some of these hours counted toward his undergraduate education at The University of Rhode Island, in Kingston, RI.
Dr. Ben has multiple passions in life, mainly including, holistic health, wellness, nutrition, fitness, snowboarding, fly-fishing and athletics. These interests in life were part of the main backbone influence of why he pursued the path he did. Ben strives to put his heart and soul into his passions in life, to help practice what he will preach to his patients. The main underlying reason of why he pursued this career path in life was to be surrounded by an environment that coincides with and relates to what he loves in life, so he can then express this passion in the form of help and recommendations toward his patients, with the goal of getting them on track to live the happiest and healthiest lives possible.
Ben has been an avid athlete his whole life. Ever since he was 7 years old, he took very well to getting on a snowboard and hitting the slopes. At the age of 12, he took up long-distance running and swimming, to then compete on middle school, high school, and college teams. After his competitive athletic career came to an end, he never wanted to stop being active, regardless of whether he was competing. He still exercises in the form of weightlifting, circuit training, and snowboarding 5-6 days per week in a diligent and consistent fashion. This has been, over his entire life, a very defining part of him, and influence of why he chose a profession revolving around holistic health rather than traditional Western medicine. He does not have anything against it, however, from a very young age he realized that prescription medications and drugs only made his severe ADHD as a kid worse. Only the natural things previously mentioned made it better. This acted as an epiphany in his life, setting the stage for how he moved forward on the path of pursuing the journey that led him to his professional career.
Dr. Ben offers an array of services, including manual therapy in the forms of focused soft-tissue massage, stretch therapy, flexion distraction, and chiropractic adjustments. He also offers electrical stimulation as a passive therapy for more acute musculoskeletal issues. If he deems a patient ready, he also will offer active care instruction in the form of home-care recommendations to help them stay on track with their care plan more effectively. This service is also very commonly administered to his athletic patient base, as early as the first visit. Aside from Chiropractic care, he also offers nutritional counseling independently and in conjunction with such services for patients that warrant it. Dr. Ben hopes to see you at Herb and Legend, conveniently located on 1100 East Evans Avenue, in Denver CO to help you live the happiest and healthiest life imaginable.